Dennis Maeda | PICHTR Safety Manager
Dennis Maeda is currently the Safety Manager for PICHTR. Prior to becoming Safety Manager, Mr. Maeda was the interim Principal Investigator for PICHTR’s Army Natural Resources Program (ANRP) on Oahu from 2018 to 2019 contract period. For year 2015 to 2017, Mr. Maeda served as PICHTR’s Project Specialist, at which time supervised and managed various construction-bid projected at ANRP.
Prior to joining PICHTR, Mr. Maeda has over 34 years of experience in business. Mr. Maeda was Executive Vice President for Hawaiian Host from 1999 to 2014. Prior to joining Hawaiian Host, worked in various capacities for Amfac Inc. from 1980 to 1997 and held the position of President-General Manager for Amfac Gardens, then Amfac Tropical Products.
Mr. Maeda also does business consulting work, starting from 1997 to present.