What are you seeing out there? Challenges and Innovations in Education


Ian and Josh discussed the challenges and innovations in education, highlighting the importance of non-traditional educational practices and the need to amplify stories of success and hope. They emphasized the significance of real-world learning initiatives and the potential impact of generative AI on education. The conversation also touched on the importance of legacy and preparing future generations to continue the work of educational transformation.

Guest: Josh Reppun is an influential figure in the field of education, particularly known for his efforts to reimagine and innovate educational practices in Hawaii. He has a diverse professional background that spans several industries. He is an Educator, Filmmaker, and Host of @WSCBPodcast


Exploring the Future of Education: A Conversation with Josh Reppun

In a recent conversation with Josh Reppun, an influential figure in the field of education, we delved into the current state and future of educational practices. Our discussion was rich with insights, anecdotes, and reflections on how education is evolving, particularly in Hawaii and beyond.

The Power of Sensing Change

Josh began by emphasizing the difference between what we see and what we sense in the realm of education. He pointed out that mainstream media often recycles the same narratives, focusing on traditional metrics like test scores and learning loss. However, beneath the surface, there’s a groundswell of change driven by innovative educational practices that often go unnoticed.

Real-World Learning Initiatives

One of the standout examples Josh shared was the Real World Learning initiative by the Kauffman Foundation in Kansas City. This program, supported by Getting Smart, engages 80,000 to 100,000 students in client-connected projects, internships, and apprenticeships. These opportunities allow students to apply their learning in real-world contexts, bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

Josh’s involvement in this initiative highlights the importance of storytelling in education. By sharing these success stories through his podcast, “What School Could Be,” Josh amplifies the impact of these programs, inspiring educators and policymakers to rethink traditional educational models.

The Role of Site Visits and R&D

We also discussed the significance of site visits and research and development (R&D) in education. Josh advocates for national investment in R&D site visits, allowing educators to see innovative practices firsthand. This approach not only provides inspiration but also equips educators with the knowledge and tools to implement similar practices in their own contexts.

The Importance of Hope and Purpose

A recurring theme in our conversation was the importance of hope and purpose in education. Josh shared how programs like Makahana Ka ʻIke and Kinai ʻEha provide students with a sense of purpose, helping them find their path and contribute meaningfully to their communities. These programs, though often out of sight, are beacons of hope, demonstrating the transformative power of education.

Preparing for the Future

As we reflected on our roles as educators and influencers, Josh and I discussed the concept of being “good ancestors.” This idea, inspired by Roman Krznaric’s book “The Good Ancestor,” emphasizes the importance of leaving a positive legacy for future generations. For Josh, this means continuing to share stories of innovation and hope, inspiring the next generation of educators and students.

The Intersection of Education and Technology

Our conversation also touched on the rapid advancements in technology and their implications for education. With the rise of generative AI and other technological innovations, the landscape of education is changing rapidly. Josh highlighted the need for educators to adapt and embrace these changes, ensuring that students are prepared for the future.


In conclusion, our conversation underscored the dynamic and evolving nature of education. While mainstream narratives may focus on traditional metrics, there’s a vibrant and transformative movement happening beneath the surface. By sharing stories of innovation, investing in R&D, and fostering a sense of hope and purpose, we can create an educational system that truly prepares students for the future.

Josh Reppun’s work serves as a powerful reminder of the impact that dedicated educators can have. As we look to the future, it’s essential to continue exploring new possibilities, embracing change, and inspiring the next generation to reach their full potential.

Discussed Topics:

The influence of major media on the education narrative [00:00 – 10:00]

  • Major media focuses on traditional education and standardized test scores.
  • The conversation around education is driven by these stories.
  • The need to shift the narrative and highlight innovative educational practices.

The emergence of a groundswell of change in education [10:00 – 20:00]

  • There is a tsunami of change happening in education, largely out of sight of major media.
  • Examples of innovative educational practices, such as the Real World Learning initiative in Kansas City.
  • The importance of paying attention to what is sensed rather than just what is seen.

The role of hope and storytelling in education [20:00 – 30:00]

  • The power of storytelling in giving hope and inspiring change in education.
  • The need to elevate stories of success and innovation in education.
  • The impact of the “Most Likely to Succeed” film and the potential of future films to create change.

The importance of site visits and deep R&D in education [30:00 – 40:00]

  • The value of in-depth site visits to schools and programs to understand innovative practices.
  • The need for federal investment in R&D site visits to expand knowledge and understanding.
  • The potential for site visits to open up new possibilities and inspire educators.

The need for educators to adapt and embrace change [40:00 – 50:00]

  • The importance of educators embracing change and being open to new ideas.
  • The role of educators in creating space for innovation and creativity in education.
  • The need for educators to continuously learn and grow to meet the changing needs of students.

The future of education and the role of technology [50:00 – 60:00]

  • The intersection of education, generative AI, and technology.
  • The potential for technology to enhance and transform education.
  • The need to prepare for the future and adapt to new technologies and approaches in education.

Personal reflections on aging and the future [60:00 – 70:00]

  • Reflections on aging and the importance of making a positive impact in education.
  • The need to pass on knowledge and inspire future generations.
  • The potential for continued involvement and contribution in education for many years to come.

Note: The timestamps provided are approximate and may vary slightly from the actual transcript.