2025 PaCT Conference
Program Description
The Partnerships in Climate/Dual-Use Technology (PaCT) addresses data-sharing solutions to climate and dual-use crises with a Whole-Of-Society focus featuring public and private capital. Highlighting critical challenges facing Pacific Island Nations and regional priorities for resilient solutions to natural & manmade disasters, and conflict.
The program defines challenges, solutions, and acquisition pipelines building resilience for natural and man-made disasters, including climate change. It focuses on building partnerships to understand the requirements and opportunities for data-sharing solutions that increase interoperability across the region. An annual conference, offers customized engagements and itineraries and features developing requirements through its breakout sessions and platform. We engage government, industry, and private capital providers from the U.S., Japan, Australia, and Pacific Island nations.
2025 PaCT Conference
The Pacific International Center for High Technology Research (PICHTR) announces the second PaCT conference in Honolulu, Hawaii from February 26 to 28, 2025 at the Ala Moana Hotel.
The program defines challenges, solutions, and acquisition pipelines building resilience for natural and man-made disasters, including climate change. Unlike typical conferences, it offers customized engagements and itineraries and features developing requirements through its breakout sessions and platform. We will engage government, industry, and private capital providers from the U.S., Japan, Australia, and Pacific Island nations.
The February 26-28 program focuses on building partnerships to understand the requirements and opportunities for data-sharing solutions that increase interoperability across the region.
Keynote speakers, panel sessions and other interactive sessions will focus on:
- Technology supporting regional objectives
- Data collection and information sharing for maritime domain awareness
- Challenge-based acquisition opportunities
- Enhancing coalition interoperability
- Coordinating allied nation data sources, classifications, and operation
Register now to secure your spot!
** Various Registrations options are available, all including breakfast.
Hotel Reservations
We are pleased to announce a special rate at the Ala Moana Hotel at Mantra for attendees. Room availability is limited. Reserve now at https://book.passkey.com/e/50892197
Preliminary Agenda
Hotel Reservations
We are pleased to announce a special rate at the Ala Moana Hotel at Mantra for attendees. Room availability is limited. Reserve now at https://book.passkey.com/e/50892197