Capacity Building

Sea Level Rise Adaptation in Hawaii Survey Results

In October 2020 we released the Summary Report for the Sea level Rise Adaptation Survey Results. This survey was conducted by PICHTR in collaboration with the Hawaii Philanthropy Forum in order to gather relevant information and to learn about the main concerns pertaining to sea level rise adaptation amid COVID-19. While dealing with the immediate challenges of COVID-19, we believe that we must also address the long-term impacts of climate change to support Hawaii’s economy and resiliency.

Key Insights

of respondents are working on sea level rise adaptation initiatives
of respondents believe sea level rise adaptation could support Hawaii’s economy
of respondents believe sea level rise adaptation efforts are a medium to top priority
of respondents believe there are sea level rise adaptation policy gaps in Hawaii
  • A weak economy and lack of funding are top stressors impeding progress on sea level rise adaptation
  • The top concern of sea level rise is coastal erosion and loss of land
  • Political will, leadership, coordination amongst government agencies and the private sector, and swift action are key to tackling sea level rise adaptation
  • To make progress on sea level rise adaptation there is a need for model policies and ordinances, financial assistance, access to best practices for coastal adaptation, and capacity building
  • There is a need for more outreach and educational programs regarding sea level rise adaptation

Climate Change Adaptation Webinar Series

PICHTR’s climate change adaptation webinar series provides curated and relevant information to public and private sector stakeholders on the latest climate change adaptation challenges facing Hawaii, efforts to address them, and potential solutions drawn from local knowledge and abroad.

Join our webinars to gain cutting-edge information on climate change adaptation and how it may affect your business or organization so you can reduce future risk exposure.

Information and insight gained from our webinars will allow for increased common knowledge and understanding amid diverse stakeholders and reduce the potential for friction due to lack of common ground.


Please stay tuned for our upcoming webinar.

Past Events

Beyond Hazard and Vulnerability Planning:  Weighing the Costs, Benefits and Challenges of Climate Adaptation – February 15, 2023

This webinar discussed current initiatives, needs, and challenges around climate adaptation in Hawaii and shared technical solutions and processes for developing and implementing phased climate adaptation pathways to help inform planning and implementation of solutions.

Tools and Resources for Pursuing Climate Change Federal Funding and Addressing Environmental Justice – August 31, 2022

This webinar featured valuable tools and resources to help you successfully pursue climate change related Federal funding and address environmental justice.

Carbon Taxes, Credits and Offsets: Means for Climate Mitigation and Adaptation – March 16, 2022

An important discussion on the critical role that carbon taxes, credits and offsets play in climate mitigation and adaptation. Panelists include Makena Coffman, PhD, of University of Hawaii at Manoa and Jonathan Marstaller of Pono Pacific.

Japan’s and the United States’ Quests to Achieve a Carbon-Free Power Sector: Necessary Breakthroughs in Policy, Science and Technology, and Business Models – February 28, 2022

An esteemed virtual panel of top Japanese and American experts explore the necessary scientific, technological, business and policy advancements necessary for Japan and the United States to achieve a carbon-free power sector. An invitation only reception furthered the panel’s discussion.

Traditional and Natural Insurance Protection Against Climate Change Hazards – January 27, 2022

This important webinar discusses the traditional insurance industry’s reactions to climate change and future trends. It also discusses an innovative natural insurance protection approach using coral growth and restoration proven in Mexico and being explored for Hawaii.

Water, Green Infrastructure & Resilience in the Built Environment – August 6, 2021

A discussion that explores how integrated water planning and green infrastructure can strengthen resilience in the built environment amid current and future impacts of climate change. It also explores the interplay of design, architecture, engineering, and policy and natural solutions in paving the way for innovative water resilience solutions.

Implications of the American Jobs Plan on Hawaii’s Whole-Society Approach to 100% Clean Energy and Climate Adaptation – July 2, 2021

This webinar features an interview with Senator Brian Schatz and a panel discussion from State and County government leaders on what the American Jobs Plan means for Hawaii’s whole society approach to 100% clean energy and climate adaptation.

International Approaches to Climate Change Planning and Adaptation in the Built and Natural Environments – March 10, 2021

This exciting webinar features three international approaches to climate change planning and adaptation in the built and natural environments.

Carbon Negative Technology Innovations Fighting Climate Change – February 10, 2021

This webinar features innovative technologies capable of reducing and sequestering carbon across the built and natural environments.

Climate Adaptation Design Guidelines for Urban Areas Vulnerable to Sea Level Rise – November 18, 2020

A webinar that discusses how the guidelines came about, what policy and regulatory changes are being considered, and best practices and design principles for different types of urban development.

Climate Change Adaptation: A Lever for Economic Growth Post COVID-19 – May 27, 2020

A unique discussion on climate change – its status and anticipated impacts on Hawaii, and how together we can start to build our local community in a manner that embraces climate change adaptation as a lever for economic growth.

2020 PRiMO Conference

PICHTR was a Title Sponsor of the 2020 PRiMO Conference on “Building a Resilient Pacific” which brought together government, academia, and private sector stakeholders to strengthen collective action toward building resilience across the region.